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Applying for Citizenship

Becoming a US Citizen is exciting and many permanent residents cannot wait to update their status from Permanent Resident to US Citizen. US Citizens have more privileges than those with Permanent Resident status about which we will discuss in a different article.

Lets get some important answers to WHW questions (Who, How, When)

To be a US Citizen, you ether have to be born in the United States of America or be a Permanent Resident of the United States and meet the requirements of applying for US Citizenship.

Those who are born in the US are Born Citizens and they don't apply for citizenship.

U.S. Permanent Residents apply for Citizenship and go through naturalization process and become Naturalized Citizens.

How do you become a US Citizen is a process that starts with petition/application. Only USCIS has jurisdiction to review your application and make a decision. After USCIS receives the application, they will schedule a biometric appointment for the applicant fo background check.

Depending on processing time, they will schedule an interview appointment where the applicant will be asked questions about the application and background. The applicant will also take English language and Civics test unless exemption or waver is applied.

English Language test is to check the applicants English knowledge in Reading, Writing and Speaking. Civics test is to check the applicants knowledge in US History and Government. After the interview process, the interviewing officer will make a decision whether approve or reject the application taking in consideration test score, background and other important requirements. If application is approved, the applicant will be scheduled to attend Oath Ceremony where the Naturalization Certificate will be issued after the applicant takes the oath.

The process of becoming a US citizen may seem easy but number one question for applicants

is when they can start this process.

The time when you can prepare and submit your Application for Naturalization depends on how you gained your permanent resident status.

If you gained permanent resident status based on a marriage to U.S. citizen, you can prepare and submit your Naturalization application 3 years after your permanent residency was granted. in all other cases you can submit your Naturalization application 5 years after you were granted permanent residency. It is important to know that within mentioned deadlines you need to show that you were present in the country for more than half of your residency period.

If you need more information regarding application process, your qualification, or need help with preparing and filing your Application for Naturalization, you can contact us or schedule an appointment to visit us.

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