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DV-2021, also known as "Green Card Lottery", is an annual government program that gives a chance to individuals and families from around the world (Except those specified below) to legally immigrate into the United States of America and receive permanent residency with future Citizenship possibility. The program is open for all qualified individuals and families. For fiscal year of 2021, DV Lottery program registration starts on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 and ends on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. To register for DV-2021, each applicant should meet Education, Work and Nationality requirements. Natives of those countries, whos number of immigrants to the United States exceeded 50,000 within previous five years are not eligible to apply. Here is the list of the countries whose natives are not eligible for DV-2021:

  1. Bangladesh

  2. Brazil

  3. Canada

  4. China (mainland-born)

  5. Colombia

  6. Dominican Republic

  7. El Salvador

  8. Guatemala

  9. Haiti

  10. India

  11. Jamaica

  12. Mexico

  13. Nigeria

  14. Pakistan

  15. Philippines

  16. South Korea

  17. United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories

  18. Vietnam.

Persons born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan are eligible.​

DV-2021 application may seem to be simple, however, like other applications and qualification requirements are as complicated as Immigration Laws of the United States. A simple mistake during registration process can disqualify the applicant from receiving a visa if he or she is selected for further processing. To have your entry correctly submitted, we urge you to contact a professional. With a great experience, our professional stuff is ready to assist you to complete and submit your application before the deadline. For limited time only, our service fees are as follow:​

  • Individual Application $25.00

  • Couples/Families $45.00 per application

You can contact us for more information and to schedule an appointment, or you can easily schedule your appointment here.​​​​

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